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Gathering of Kindness - free resources

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Handover and huddles 
Handover and Huddles

Looking for some video resources to include at your handover or huddle? We've put together some fascinating resources with our partners, exploring narrative training, trauma-informed care, and top tips and ways of embedding kindness in health organisations.

A conversation with Prof Cath Crock AM and A/Professor David Brewster.

Watch Professor Catherine Crock AM and Associate Professor David Brewster as they explore their article published in Medical Journal of Australia’s Insights Plus, Covid-19: a chance to embed kindness in our healthcare.

Related articles:

COVID-19: a chance to embed kindness in our health care

Adding kindness at handover to improve our collegiality: the K-ISBAR tool

Patient, staff safety and wellbeing: time for kindness

Trauma-informed care


Our friends at Rotary Action Group for Family Safety and the Trauma Recovery Network Australia, have developed a series of fantastic videos resources about their important work in trauma - and specifically the benefits of Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR).


This work was in response to the bushfires earlier this year, and the devastation this brought our healthcare workforce, first responders, and our broader community. However, with many healthcare workers also directly impacted by the effects of covid - straight after the traumatic time of the fires - their work is now more pertinent than ever.  

For more information about this important work, go to: 

Gathering of Kindness: All things Narrative with Dr Lorraine Dickey and Viviane Foulke.

Our good friends at the Narrative Initiative, Dr Lorraine Dickey and Viviana Foulke, share their thoughts on ‘all things Narrative’, reflecting on stories that have been shared with them, and what ‘The Ask’ means when it comes to kindness.


To find out more about the good work of the Narrative Initiative, go to:

Author Ivan Zwart shares 

In this video, Ivan Zwart shares his personal experience of his own mental health journey towards happiness, while reflecting on some of the ways healthcare workers can assist their patients and clients.

To find out more about Ivan’s book and work, head to:

An address by our Chair and Founder, Professor Cath Crock AM

Hear Professor Catherine Crock AM speak about her experiences as a physician at a children's hospital in Melbourne Australia, and the discussions she had with families and patients which inspired her to start the Hush Foundation 20 years ago, as well as the evolution of the Gathering of Kindness to what we know of it today.

Central Gippsland Health, St Vincent's Health Australia, Rotary Action Group for Family Safety and Trauma Recovery network Australia 
Our warmest thanks to our Principle Partners:
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