More Gatherings
Kindness Cafe with Dr Lorraine Dickey at Kingston, Monash Health, October 2017
Tell us about your events!
Official Gatherings are just the beginning! Conversations will only truly shift a culture when they are widespread, sustained and enthusiastically embraced. That's why we encourage you to create your own Gatherings, Kindness Cafes, meetings and water cooler chats.
We have created the Kindness Hub to help start these conversations.
We would especially love to hear back from you about what you plan and what you take away from your conversations. Please send us information about your events via our Contact page. We can tell the world about your work here and via social media.
We would also love to see images and videos from your events. We include some guidelines for recording and sending videos in the Hub.
Kindness Cafe, Monash Health, April 4
Hello my name is...a global campaign highlighting introductions for person-centred care was the theme for Monash Health's latest Kindness Cafe.
Healthcare campaigner Chris Pointon shared his story as a husband of a terminally ill wife in the UK health system to staff across our facilities today.
Imagine that moment when you are at your most vulnerable. Things are taking place outside of your control. People are buzzing around you. Words are being spoken as though they’re in another language. Your heart is beating fast, you’re trying to remain calm, trying not to crack. Then a stranger enters your vision, greets you with a warm smile and says “Hello, my name is…”
Chris explained how the simple act of an introduction can be instrumental in creating human connections and providing truly person-centred care.
Thanks for visiting Chris, we loved hearing your story.