Shop: Our Kindness range

Our #KindnessWorksHere range
Our range of #kindnessworkshere products has expanded, to include signs, lapel pins, and most recently, embroidered badges! Check out our range of products further below!
Our Wearable range
Get ready to cap, tee, and even tote for your Gathering of Kindness.
Based on demand and feedback the range has been expanded to include the very popular Gathering of Kindness as well as our 2018 hashtag #KindnessWorksHere.
Both equally efficient and scientifically proven to promote the benefits of kindness wherever you wear!
Along with our wearable and #kindnessworkshere range, the Gathering of Kindness, via the Hush Foundation, have a range of books designed to inspire and stimulate conversations which you can find below. We also have a renowned collection of music specially created by some of Australia's finest musicians to provide a calming atmosphere in hospitals and anywhere else where stress is experienced. By purchasing our products, you are supporting our ongoing work.
If you're interested in orders of large quantities of any of our products, please contact us at
Alternatively, you can purchase Books and CDs or download or stream Hush music from Readings or other online services.